As I prepare to launch
Otter and Arthur and the Round Table (cover image below), I want to express my gratitude to all the family, friends, and fans who supported the first book,
Otter and Arthur and the Sword in the Stone.

I received the proof for the Round Table book yesterday. That was exciting enough, but I also got this wonderful letter about the first book:
No matter how many books I write, I don't know if anything can top being told I am someone's favorite author!
The picture above is Kimi's own version of the cover of Otter and Arthur and the Sword in the Stone. With apologies to Gen Goering who created the original artwork, I might have to replace it with Kimi's work in subsequent reprints!
As a self-published writer, I recognize I'll never sell a lot of books. It doesn't matter. It's about the joy of writing. However, writers don't just write so they can put a finished product in a drawer somewhere. They want their work to be appreciated. Kimi, you have no idea how much it means to me to have you take the time to write a letter and draw pictures for me! Thank you! You've made it all worthwhile! - Dave